Clausthal University of Technology

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Die Aula der Technischen Universität Clausthal.

Clausthal-Zellerfeld is home to one of Germany’s smaller universities - just 75 km from Hannover. 

Clausthal-Zellerfeld is home to one of Germany’s smaller universities, but despite its size, it’s also one of the most international and cosmopolitan institutions in the country and is renowned well beyond the borders of Lower Saxony. What makes it stand out is the fact that around 30% of its students are foreign as well as its proximity to Germany’s low mountain range in the form of the Harz Natural Park.

TU Clausthal: Learning from Nature

A campus in the midst of nature and the wide range of sporting opportunities that come along with it are deciding factors for the students. Learning from and in nature in the fields of Energy and Raw Materials, Materials Sciences, Engineering and Technology as well as Computer Science at the Harz university of technology - just 75 km from Hannover.